Wednesday, July 30, 2008

college dehs

abit late but, 07s44 are truly proud of our 2 true blue Victorian representatives at college day! wooo!!! no not andrew the prize winner (sheeeshh prize only like so whaat sia :) ) NOR audrey the performer (sshheeeeesh perform only :) ), we're proud of PANNY AND SELLER for being our sole 2 attendees in LT5 at that awe-inspiring event, sacrificing sleep and/or study time and wasting 45cents going aaalll the way to the beautiful home away from home they call school to watch people they hardly know receive prizes. no really no sarcasm here we're really proud of you 2. oh and yueyang wilson and SEENOOB (as the willy himself claims) were in the PT so we're proud of them too.

such a pity i missed out on all the fun. sigh...

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