Thursday, June 18, 2009


hello ex-classmates, I hope the guys are enjoying yourselves serving the country, clubbing, getting pissed drunk and to the girls and I, holidays are ending soon. Time to work hard. Hahaha.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

greetings from malaysia

hello classmates, woohoo, it's been a great holiday and before I say anything, I just hope everybody here GO GET FACEBOOK!!! It's great, it's fun, it's.... i dunno what la. just get facebook!!!

meanwhile, happy new year and happy chinese new year to each and everyone of you.

anyway, to all the guys (except Shannon). I hope you enjoy your NS. and enjoy lights out time. no more alcohol for gomes and most importantly have fun.

to Shannon, have fun with all the girls..

to the girls... have fun with Shannon... and erm... have fun if you are working or whatever la. hahaha.

do visit me in Muar. only 2 hours bus ride away. come come come.. I'm so freaking bored...

bye bye..
